Aquarian Communities

Aquarian Communities


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Holistic and Lucid Vision
Visión Holística y Lúcida
 New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of Truth—F. 1997—Sitio Web de la Nueva Era Dedicado a la Diseminación de la Verdad
Integration—Syncretism—Synthesis—New Age—From Higher Source   —   Integración—Sincretismo—Síntesis—Nueva Era—Desde la Fuente Mayor

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Twelve Spiritual Principles and Laws
Los Doce Principios y Leyes Espirituales

Index/ Índice

Women, Guardians of Place
Epilogue to the Masculine Era
About Violence Against Women
Biosophy in the Age of Aquarius
Reflections On the New Aquarian Consciousness
Government in the Aquarian Age
The World After NESARA
Islands of Light and the Waves of Ascension
Venus Transit and Intuitive Awareness
The New Galactic Conciousness
True Feminity
The Living Language of Light
The World of Time/No-Time
Curriculum and Higher Order on the Higher Realms
St. Germain: Follow Your Passion!
Have Compassion for Those Who Betrayed You
Work for a Clean and Just Society
The Law of Grace Will Forgive Your Karma
Two Streams of Future Probabilities
Changes in Heaven
See the Promised Land Before Your Eyes
See the Promised Land Before Your Eyes, II
After 2012, Will It Be the Ideal Utopia?
New Device for Telepathic Communication
The Work of the New Messiahs
Recreating Paradise On Earth
What Is AbundantHope?
Monjoronson: Population and Earth Changes
Monjoronson: Planetary Changes
The Coming Cataclysms
Monjoronson: Model for Sustainability
Essay On 2012 and Beyond

Books by Luis Prada
(Libros por Luis Prada)

Free eBooks, read them here or order them printed from publisher:
(Libros Electrónicos Gratis, léalos aquí u ordénelos impresos de la casa publicadora:)

Journey into the City of Light of BVC/
Viaje a la Ciudad de la Luz de CBV

Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe
To order it / Para ordenarlo:
Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/
Plan de la Comunidad Brother Veritus

Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe
To order it / Para ordenarlo:
Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

Preguntas y Respuestas en el Foro

Time Zones – Zonas Horarias
or use this hyper link
(o use este híper-vínculo)

Brother Veritus' Website

Aquarian Communities
(New Age Communities,
Islands of Light, Spiritual Communities, Intentional Communities)

In the Aquarian Communities we will achieve:

  Love in Oneness shared unconditionally with our brothers and sisters
  Peace, pacific coexistence while sharing differences, no more war
  Fulfillment of our heart’s desires
  Joy as the result of correct living and freedom

A vision without a task is a dream.  A task without a vision is drudgery.  A vision and a task is the hope of the world.  —From a church in Sussex, England, circa 1730.

"As the reflections of all the spectrumized versions of life are exemplified and mirrored to one another and are gaining access to their light, the grand unlimited essence of them, which is of God, is coming into union, into the knowing of the merging of the divine upon this plane in all relationships.  Indeed, it will be understood as super-consciousness or the Age of Aquarius and all the other terminologies it is known as.  Indeed, this will be the coming of age of relationships without limitation, for all will be in relation to another, ad infinitum as it were.  All will be in the understanding of the relationship between themselves as reflections of one another, facets of themselves experienced as other entities.
The union and the merging of this entire Earth plane, whether it be of inanimate, animate or non-physical essence, whatever it is, as it merges into the energy form that is known as God, will come into the understanding of ascension.  This will be the merging of the light —of the bodies of energy which are frequency bundles called personalities or essences in and of themselves.  It will reflect the dichotomized understanding of separation through unity.  This is God."
—Excerpt from the Book "St. Germain, Twin Souls & Soulmates" as channeled by Azena Ramada and Claire Heartsong, Chapter 1: The Meaning of Relationships.

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