Violet Flame

Violet Flame


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Holistic and Lucid Vision
Visión Holística y Lúcida
 New Age Website Dedicated to the Dissemination of Truth—F. 1997—Sitio Web de la Nueva Era Dedicado a la Diseminación de la Verdad
Integration—Syncretism—Synthesis—New Age—From Higher Source   —   Integración—Sincretismo—Síntesis—Nueva Era—Desde la Fuente Mayor

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Twelve Spiritual Principles and Laws
Los Doce Principios y Leyes Espirituales

Index/ Índice

A Biography of Saint Germain
A Healing Visualization
Alchemical Transmutation
The Physical Appearance of Saint Germain
St. Germain's Gift of His Heart
Saint Germain’s Dwelling in the Higher Realms

Books by Luis Prada
(Libros por Luis Prada)

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(Libros Electrónicos Gratis, léalos aquí u ordénelos impresos de la casa publicadora:)

Journey into the City of Light of BVC/
Viaje a la Ciudad de la Luz de CBV

Bilingual Version/Versión Bilingüe
To order it / Para ordenarlo:
Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

Brother Veritus’ Community Plan/
Plan de la Comunidad Brother Veritus

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Brother Veritus’ Store
Tienda del Hermano Veritus

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The Violet Flame/St. Germain

St. Germain's picture precipitated into the hands of Godfre Ray KingTheAlchemical Transmutation of the Soul (Original)Mme. Blavatsky with masters Kuthumi, El Morya and St. Germain
"This is a two part presentation. The first partdeals with the three stages the human soul goes through in its evolution through multipleincarnations to achieve the state of perfection. The soul evolution  follows auniversal process expressed here as Desire-Thought-Action. Theprocess is a manifestation of the Law of the Triangle. This lecture compares the innertransformation to the process of creation as outlined in cabalistic studies of the Tree ofLife. The set of figures that illustrate the subject are graphical representations of aresearch based mainly in the book Arcadiaby Peter Dawkins, published bythe Francis Bacon Research Trust.
The second part contains a healing visualization where the audience is taken to themystical experience in  thetent witnessed by seventy two
AMORCmembers during the 1929 historical trip to Egypt with Dr. H. Spencer Lewis. The authorreenacts that experience adding fictional material that covers a violet flame healingknown to the Egyptian mystery schools … "

AHealing Visualization with the Violet Flame (Original)
This visualization can be used as a pattern or modelfor your meditations with the violet flame.  You may use its steps and tailor them toyour personal style.

America’s Destiny!

St. Germain Speaks:
"…In your beloved America in the not-so-far-distant future will come forth a similar recognition of the Real Inner Self, and this her people will express in high attainment. She is a Land of Light, and her Light shall blaze forth brilliant as the sun at noonday among the nations of the earth. She was a Land of Great Light ages ago, and will again come into her spiritual heritage; for nothing can prevent it. She is strong within her own mind and body —stronger than you think and that strength she will exert to rise out of and throw off from border to border all that weighs heavily upon her at the present time.
"America has a destiny of great import to the other nations of the earth, and Those who have watched over her for centuries still watch. Through Their protection and Love she shall fulfill that destiny.
America! We, the Ascended Host of Light, love and guard you. America! We love you…
"…O America! Beloved Children of the Light! Let this Great God ‘Presence,’ Its wisdom and power surge through you now, and see how quickly God’s Kingdom can and will manifest upon earth. America is the Way Shower among the nations, bearing the Light that heralds the incoming Golden Age. Regardless of the present conditions. ‘That Light’ shall burst forth and consume the shadows that seek to disrupt her Ideals and Love for the Great God Self…"
Excerpt from Unveiled Mysteries by Godfre Ray King (St. Germain Press)

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