Your Master Within
Your Master Within
By Lord Maitreya
MAITREYA. From the Book: "The New Scriptures” (“Las Nuevas Escrituras"), Volume IV, "Teachings of the Christ Maitreya (“Enseñanzas del Cristo Maitreya"), from the Centro Lusitano de Unificación Cultural,
Original in Spanish, translation by Luis Prada.
You struggle to perceive the presence of the Masters of Wisdom, hoping they manifest to your eyes and your senses.
Before than some day it may happen, you will have first to contact with the "Lord of your soul". You will have to, definitely, have recognized and loved your Master Within.
Your Master Within is your elder friend and counselor. He is a real Being, legitimately at your reach. He is a sublime Being, always prompt to pour over you the Light of wisdom, always ready to ignite within you the clearing and orienting Light on the Path.
It is mistaken to search, in a invariable and exclusive form, the Light and solutions outside yourselves, even though the illuminating sources may —could— be the Masters of the Divine Hierarchy. You should not continue depending exclusively on your Higher Brothers, on any intermediary of the Divine. If that were your way of proceeding, you would retard in finding the true key of the path: you wander for a long time in a halo of lack of definition, possibly near the treasure, but ignorant of the way on how to turn it into an integral part of you.
The personality is likening into a shadow of the soul reflected in the muddy world of forms and illusions. You would remain simply being a shadow if you do not aspire —vehemently and above all— a puff, the constant and vivifying breath that comes from your own soul.
To turn your personality into a true living one, the soul —the Higher Self, the Major Self— will have to blow in, will have to flood and fill uninterruptedly with his life that shadow (that is today your dwelling), through the path you open, encouraged and persistently, between the two. If there were not a link, if there were not a relationship between the “The High” (the most elevated worlds) and all what is below (the levels of major materiality) there were not Evolution.
The steps are not impassable. For this the concept of Hierarchy of the states of consciousness is vital and indispensable. Aspire, directly and internally, to the plane where your soul dwells and you will construct the ladder of fire where safely, you elevate yourselves. Only the soul —only your Master Within— will bring you the Light of Truth, will concede to you the Light of Emancipation, will conduct you to the Light of Liberty of the Kingdom of the consecrated and unified Souls.
Always the pioneers of the history of humanity, those who had the strength and the power to drag with them the weight of the nets of the collective evolution, joined and integrated their “shadow” (the reflection of the Real Self) to their own soul. This way even their personality became luminous and a transmitter of true wisdom. That is why they were able to understand and to put into action a part of the Plan of the authentic progress —the Evolutionary Plan.
The genius of Socrates said he heard, not an external being but, yes, the sublime Echo of his own soul.
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