Health and Dental Cures

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Health and Dental Cures
Dove of Oneness

From the Dove’s Report of January 19, 2006, 8:26 pm PST, NESARA Brings Health Cures; Chronicles of NESARA. Excerpt. Published in this website on January 27, 2006.

Hello Dear Friends and White Knights,
Today I’m sharing more information about the amazing health cures which are waiting in the wings to be made public immediately after NESARA’s announcement.


Over the years I’ve gathered contacts with doctors and practitioners who have cures for most illnesses.

I have telephone numbers and names for doctors and practitioners who have spent decades finding and/or developing these cures.  A few weeks ago I was privileged to talk with a man who gave me a list of some of the diseases for which there are cures and the doctors who have the cures.

Because of the control the pharmaceutical drug industry has over the American government and US Congress, these cures are being withheld from Americans and the world!  Every person reading this Dove Report knows someone who could benefit from these cures and you yourself could be someone who needs the cures.

Every time I see a film of little children with no hair who are undergoing treatment for cancer, I am reminded that innocent children are suffering for no reason. There are cures for all cancers!  A woman was in the news this week saying she wanted to be allowed to commit suicide because she has terminal cancer – but these cures work even for people who are told they are days or weeks away from death!  These little children and people are suffering because of greed; no other reason.

Greedy medical and pharmaceutical industries have blackmailed and bribed the US Congress and federal government to keep these cures from coming out. A few days ago I spoke with someone who knows a researcher at the Mayo Clinic.  This person asked the researcher at the Mayo Clinic if the Mayo Clinic “had cures for cancer.” The researcher said, “Yes, the Mayo Clinic has cures, but, if the cures came out then the research funds would end and researchers would not have jobs!”

This is another terrible reason why so-called reputable medical establishments are stopping cures from coming out.  It all comes down to greed!  Many years ago the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Clinic in Seattle purposely lied about the benefits of apricot pits in treating cancer.  The Hutchinson Cancer Clinic did a clinical study and was expecting to find no benefit from apricot pits in treating cancer but instead they found there were beneficial improvements related to treatments containing chemicals from apricot pits!

The head of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Clinic told the Public Relations Director at that time to put out the false information stating that apricot pits had no beneficial properties for treating cancer.  The Public Relations Director refused, resigned his job and went public to expose the lies and greed behind stopping cures and natural therapies from being made available to Americans.  In 1994 I heard this man on a health radio show broadcast from Vancouver,British Columbia,Canada.

There is considerable DISinformation in the media and on the internet which attempts to convince you that there are no cures. The people posting on these websites are either given false information by the medical industry or government, or are paid to put out the lies.  It all comes back to greed.  They don’t care if you are suffering.

The medical and pharmaceutical industries lose a lot of money if you don’t need their products and services.  If you are HEALTHY, then you don’t need to buy drug prescriptions every month and you don’t have to go to the doctor or hospital.  The greed of the medical industry is huge!

Every single person reading this Dove Report has the potential to have or already has a terrible illness for which the CURE ALREADY EXISTS.  Not only do cures exist, but natural supplement therapies exist TODAY which REVERSE AGING!  I’m not kidding; I’ve spoken with one of the scientists who has developed age-reversing formulas!  His mother, who is in her nineties now, began taking his formulas in her eighties and over a number of years, her body’s physical age factors were reversed from that of being eighty plus years old to having the physical attributes of being mid-forties years old!  Now she plays tennis every day and looks like she is in her mid-forties.

I personally know a few other people who have been on these formulas for a year or so and I have seen the beginning of reductions of lines in one lady’s face and they have experienced other benefits to their health.  In the first six months of taking the formulas, one lady in her seventies had three inches of her height restored when her osteoporosis was reversed by the formulas.  People have recovered from partial paralysis of strokes and many other maladies by taking these natural formulas.  These formulas are made from natural elements – plants, ancient seabed minerals, oxygen, and other natural elements – and are healthy ways to be healthier and younger.

Certain pharmaceutical labs are pursuing using “human stem cells from human embryo tissues” and other sources to try to do genetic engineering to accomplish things WE ALREADY HAVE cures to address.  Pharmaceutical corporations have shown a total lack of ethics; their only concern is PROFIT.  The drug labs and companies hope to charge HIGH PRICES for their genetic engineering products.  However, everything the genetic engineering efforts are trying to do are ALREADY AVAILABLE from natural supplements, formulas, and cures.

Recently I was speaking with a gentleman in the Midwest who is professionally associated with an attorney firm and a securities firm.  He has a great, lifelong interest in natural healing options.  He gave me the name and telephone numbers of certain medical doctors who actually have cures to many diseases including 17 kinds of cancer and many other diseases.  He mentioned these doctors have the CURE for Hepatitis illnesses including Hepatitis C which actress Pamela Anderson has.  He said he would personally take Pamela Anderson to the medical doctor who has the cure for Hepatitis.  I recall that Pamela is using natural approaches to deal with the Hepatitis C but I don’t believe she has discovered the cure yet.  If you have a way to contact Pamela and let her know there is a cure, I can arrange for Pamela to reach the gentleman in the Midwest will ensure she meets the medical doctor with the cure.  To initiate contact on behalf of Pamela, send a letter including your contact information to:
3430 Pacific Ave SE

Suite A6-217

Olympia,WA 98501

The natural cures and formulas are highly ETHICAL and respectful of life.  They are the right ways for us to proceed in healing ourselves without harming other living beings.

NESARA’s announcement opens the door wide open for all these natural cures to made publicly available and advertised in mainstream media immediately.  NESARA prevents all government and other authorities from interfering.  In fact, NESARA dismantles the American Medical Association (AMA) and drastically limits the power of the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) to keep the FDA from interfering.


Recently, I was reminded of how little certain health practices have improved in thousands of years.  What did a person 2,000 years ago do when they had a bad tooth which caused them pain?  They usually had the tooth pulled out.  If they lived to be 50, 60, or 70 years old, they usually lost all their teeth.

What did people do 50 years ago when they had a bad tooth that caused them pain?  They usually had it pulled out.  In the last 50 years, dentists have begun doing “root canals” to try to save teeth and have used mixtures to fill teeth after the decayed part of the tooth is drilled away.  Unfortunately, most metal fillings contain mercury which is EXTREMELY TOXIC to humans and is causing many health problems in humans.

Per an article at At the present time, based on 1992 dental manufacturer specifications, amalgam (at mixing) typically contains approximately 50% metallic Hg [MERCURY], 35% silver, 9% tin, 6% copper, and a trace of zinc.”  Silver fillings are 50% Mercury – toxic!

Did you know if you have mercury metal amalgam fillings, every time you chew you are releasing MERCURY VAPORS in your mouth and swallowing these vapors!  The mercury vapors are toxic to your body.  This has been proven many times in lab experiments and using technology to measure the release of mercury vapor in the mouth due to chewing.

But, don’t expect your dentist to know the mercury amalgam fillings are toxic to your health unless your dentist is better informed than most dentists are.  Furthermore, if dentists listen to the American Dental Association (ADA), they are being fed lies.  The ADA has put out several lies in support of products which are harming Americans’ health; the ADA will be forced to retract their lies or be shut down after NESARA’s announcement.  Mercury poisoning from amalgam fillings is only ONE of the results of the lies by the ADA.

SUMMARY: This document reviews results of animal and human studies of pathophysiologic effects related to mercury leaking from amalgam restorations. Some pertinent points presented include:

Every amalgam daily releases on the order of 10 micrograms of mercury into the body (i.e. 3,000,000,000,000,000 mercury atoms per day),

  • More than 2/3 of the excretable mercury in humans is derived from amalgams,  * mercury crosses the maternal placenta into the tissue of a developing fetus,
  • Mercury is capable of inducing auto immunity,
  • Mercury immediately and continually challenges the kidney’s functioning,
  • Mercury can enhance the prevalence of multiple antibiotic resistant intestinal bacteria, and,
  • People exposed to mercury on a sustained basis are at risk to lowered fertility.”

It’s time we left OBSOLETE and harmful dental practices behind.

Some time ago I was made aware that it is possible for TEETH to be HEALED of decay, to be repaired NATURALLY by the body, the body can GROW NEW TOOTH cells to replace parts of teeth which have become decayed or been broken off, and the body can even RE-GROW NEW TEETH which have been removed or have fallen out!  The cells in teeth have the same capabilities of other cells in the body to recover from infection (i.e. decay); we just haven’t known what nutrients the teeth needed in order to do this natural healing.

This kind of teeth healing is possible today.  I have heard there are scientists who have developed the formulas which enable the body to heal its teeth but these scientists are keeping a low profile because they would be in danger if they tried to bring these out.  There is big money in dentistry and dental supplies and equipment.  The federal government and FDA would attack and probably incarcerate any one who came forward with these tooth healing formulas today.

NESARA’s announcement stops the FDA and federal government from interfering with these natural tooth healing options.  After NESARA’s announcement, I am personally going to find ways to bring these natural tooth healing processes to the public.

Recently I did some research on the internet to see what I could find about these natural tooth healing options.  I found some documented accounts of people who had gone on Raw Animal Vegetable Food Diets or Raw Vegetable Food Diets and who had had SPONTANEOUS healings of their teeth!  See

In some cases, people on these diets experienced their teeth pushing out the fillings in the person’s teeth and experienced their body doing full repair of their teeth to good, strong, healthy natural teeth status.  Some people, who had their fillings removed by a dentist, later experienced their teeth doing self-repair and filling in the gaps in their teeth which resulted in strong and whole teeth.  Some of these people had teeth spontaneously RE-GROW and replace teeth which had been removed or fallen out.

What does this mean?  It means that we need CERTAIN NUTRIENTS found in these raw foods diets to provide our teeth with the ability to heal themselves.

If you’ve watched Oprah’s makeovers of people or seen television commercials about how your teeth can be made to look perfect, then you’ve seen a little of the recent new scientific dental efforts regarding repairing teeth.

I reviewed several articles related to the scientific efforts to repair teeth in these new ways.  The articles pointed to new ways to seal and improve tooth appearance using crystalline formulas which bond with the teeth.  These formulas have many basic elements in common with the natural tooth elements and natural tooth enamel.

The results of my research indicate that natural formulas can be made which contain the NATURAL NUTRIENTS necessary to enable the teeth to heal themselves.  The best forms of minerals for this formula are chelated colloidal liquid minerals from ancient sea beds.  Here’s the major natural NUTRIENTS needed for a tooth to heal itself:

  • Phosphate ions
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Oxygen
  • Natural DNA stimulator (from a plant)
  • A certain natural Protein Enzyme (from a plant)
  • Natural stem cell enhancement (from a plant), and,
  • Water.

A formula I found has some of these natural nutrients and it is CLOSE to the right proportions but not exactly right, nor does it have all the necessary nutrients.  Here is the formula in case someone reading this Report may be working on this natural healing of teeth and would find this useful:  (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2).

Because the nutrients in our food are not supplying the necessary nutrients for our teeth to heal themselves, the natural formula would need to have concentrated, very large doses of these natural nutrients on which our bodies can draw to heal our teeth.  Ideally this formula would be provided in liquid form, perhaps a kind of milk shake drink, which could be taken twice a day.

In addition, these nutrients could be included in healthy toothpaste formulas and thus help to support the natural re-growth of enamel and ongoing repair of our teeth with each brushing.

For those of you who don’t know, FLUORIDE is NOT good for your teeth.  It makes teeth more brittle and causes brittle bones in elderly people.  Fluoride becomes Fluorine when it is wet; Fluorine is TOXIC to humans.

Why is Fluoride/Fluorine in your toothpaste?  Because it is a by-product of aluminum manufacturing; it’s profitable for aluminum companies to sell these by-products and at one time long ago a poorly done study indicated Fluoride might help but this was not true.  Fluoride is TERRIBLE for your health.  This is another big LIE the American Dental Association will be required to retract or they will be shut down after NESARA is announced.

I would like to hear from anyone who has already developed the natural healing formulas for teeth or is working on such formulas.  Please inform me of your progress or your needs regarding bringing this health option to the public by sending a letter to the address below:
3430 Pacific Ave SE
Suite A6-217

In addition to the importance of our teeth in speaking clearly and having a nice smile, teeth play a very important role in preparing food to be effectively digested.  Teeth have a very important health role in our lives.  It is possible to have natural healing of our teeth which will assist our health throughout our lives.


The current activities moving NESARA to announcement are continuing and hopefully will be accelerating very soon.  NESARA Now!

Blessings and Love,
Dove of Oneness,Executive DirectorInternational NESARA Take Action Teams
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Managers Urged to Demand That Yum! CEO David Novak Improve Conditions for Chickens
For Immediate Release. 
January 12, 2006
Anchorage,Alaska — All five Anchorage KFC managers received a special delivery from Pamela Anderson this week. On behalf of PETA, the actor and animal rights advocate sent her new explicit DVD showing what happens to chickens before they end up in batter, along with a letter asking managers to urge David Novak —the CEO of KFC’s parent company, Yum! Brands— to eliminate the worst abuses of chickens, such as live scalding in de-feathering tanks and breeding and drugging chickens to grow so quickly that they become crippled under their own weight.
Writes Anderson, "As a KFC manager, you can help make positive changes … by letting Yum!
CEO David Novak know that you don’t want to sell —and the people of Anchorage don’t want to buy— chickens who have been crippled, abused, and scalded alive."
Anderson points out that KFC ignored the recommendations for animal welfare improvements made by its own advisory panel, including five members who have since resigned after being ignored for years. Former KFC advisor Adele Douglass told the Chicago Tribune that KFC "never had any meetings. They never asked any advice, and then they touted to the press that they had this animal-welfare advisory committee. I felt like I was being used."
In addition to
Anderson, PETA’s campaign has had high-profile support from rock icons Sir Paul McCartney and Chrissie Hynde, country legend Emmylou Harris, actor Bea Arthur, Nobel Peace Prize winner His Holiness the Dalai Lama, civil rights leaders Alice Walker and The Rev. Al Sharpton, and even former KFC spokesperson and Seinfeld star Jason Alexander.
For more information and to view
Anderson’s video, please visit PETA’s Web site  . Pamela Anderson’s full letter is available upon request.


Charles Perkins, a chemist, wrote the following to the Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on October 2nd, 1954:

"… in the 1930s Hitler and the German Nazis envisioned a world to be dominated and controlled by a Nazi philosophy of pan-Germanism.  The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control, which was submitted to, and adopted by, the German General Staff.  This plan was to control the population in any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies.  By this method they could control the population by water medication that would induce sterility in women and so on.  In this scheme of mass control sodium fluoride occupied a prominent place."


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