Call to Service for Suffering Humanity

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Call to Service for Suffering Humanity

Dr. Sally Barbosa

Yellow Solar Warrior, 9, Kin Cardinal 256

About the Author:

UPDATE: 11-13-05.  Dr. Sally Barbosa died on Saturday November 12, 2005, in the morning.  She was suffering from cancer.

WRITER, SPEAKER, EDUCATOR, VISIONARY, PSYCHIC, MESSENGER.  The Puerto Rican Sally Barbosa is a doctor in Parapsychology, certified neuro-linguistic programmer (P.N.L.), esoteric astrologer, expert in natural therapies, educator, speaker and writer.  During the past thirty years she has been involved in the investigation and development of systems and techniques to utilize quartz crystals and other crystalline matrixes as agents of healing, transformation and ascension to new levels of life.  She offers courses and workshops to train in the use of quartz crystals and other subjects within the field of human development in Puerto Rico, United States, Central and South America and Europe.
 She is author of the book "Quartz Crystals: Agents of Healing and Transformation" ("Cristales de Cuarzo: Agentes de Sanación y Transformación"), the first one written in Spanish on the subject.  To this one follows "To the Light of the Crystal, Crystals and You" ("A la Luz del Cristal, Cristales y Tú"), "The Science of Crystals" ("La Ciencia de los Cristales"), "The Magic Power of Turmalines, Amathysts" ("El Poder Mágico de las Turmalinas, Amatistas"), "Sacred Fire" ("Fuego Sagrado"), and "Magicians, Crystals and Pyramids" ("Magos, Cristales y Pirámides").  Other books of her are: "Via Fourth Dimension" ("Vía Cuarta Dimensión"), "And the Light Was Made" ("Y la Luz se Hizo"), "In the Intimacy" ("En la Intimidad"), "Integration" ("Integración"), "Beyond the Other Side" ("Más Allá del Más Allá"), "Reincarnation" ("Reencarnación"), "Images" ("Imágenes"), "Memories of an Extraterrestrial Being" ("Memorias de un Ser Extraterrestre"), "I Will Always Love You" ("Siempre Te Amaré"), "Masterly Flight" ("Vuelo Magistral"), "Wings" ("Alas") and "Remember" ("Recuerda.")
In 1985 Sally Barbosa founded Proyecto Alas, Inc. , (Project Wings, Inc.), an institute for the full development of the human being, based on the philosophy that she presents in the book "Wings" ("Alas"), extraordinary work that teaches the human being to raise his own wings and … to fly.  During five years she led the successful radio program "Conversing With You" ("Conversando Contigo"), the first one of the New Aquarian Age in Puerto Rico. This success was repeated in Radio San Diego, California, from 1997 to 1999.  Considered an authority in the field of communications she has participated in radio and television programs in various countries around the world.
 In 1988 she founded the "Sorority Vesta" ("Sororidad Vesta") and the "Fraternity Helios" ("Fraternidad Helios") that gathers in brotherhood people of diverse nationalities, ages, socio-cultural and economic states, seriously committed with the processes of consciousness raising.
In 1992 the "Peace Flag Committee" ("Comité de la Bandera de la Paz"), a non-governmental organism of U.N.O., awarded her with the Peace Flag, in recognition of her services for world peace.  Dr. Barbosa has traveled across innumerable countries giving lectures, facilitating workshops and seminars over diverse subjects within the field of human development.
She continues her classes, workshops and seminars and offers support to those people in need of help, harmony and family integration through Astrology and also teaches the Seven Levels of Alchemy which are courses on gradual illumination for the magicians of the Earth.  Address
:Calle Rita A, A # 23  –  Villa Rica, Bayamón, P. R. 00959, Telephone (787) 785-7915, e-mail:[email protected]

Published in this website on December 30, 2004.  Original in Spanish, translated to English by Luis Prada.

Note of Editor: Earth is going through a cleansing process, many more natural disasters and geological Earth changes as the one that affected 11 Asian countries are expected to occur in the future.  This article teaches you how to effectively send energy and spiritual support to those in need.  See also the article:Earth Changes Are Coming.

This is a call to all the voluntary workers of the Light and Love in service on Earth.  We have incarnated in this Earth world in many, many occasions.  We have lived in all the continents and have been members of all the nationalities, ethnicities and religious groups.  We have had all type of relationships and spoken each language.  The moment of redoubling our efforts together has arrived to complete the assignment that brought us to this orb.  We commit ourselves to participate in a world transformation and in the healing of humanity of which we are a part.

The moment has arrived of opening ourselves to a new ordering of life.  Our beloved planet has entered into a stage of transformations and reconditioning tending to recuperate its level of harmonic and balanced vibration.  We are moving outside of the artificial time, lineal, measurable and predictable, where the known concepts so far won’t have validity anymore.  A marvelous Crystalline Ray comes opening our new photonic field and displacing and closing the old magnetic Earth field that kept us prisoners of the human beings in the third dimension.

We are attending to this new dawn even though some insist in maintaining the believe of fear and chaos.  It is in truth a palpable revolution that promotes our steps as a team towards the borders of new horizons.  The obsolete, out-of-date or useless go to the road of disappearing.  What is going to rise from its ashes will be the foundation of the world of tomorrow.  Our ability to unite as a Human Family is n the selfsame heart of the transformation because we already have comprehended that we are many of the ONE.

The comprehension of the imperious necessity we have of overcoming both individually and collectively makes possible our transcendence.  We are interdependent, we need each other, both spiritually and materially; this will allow us to continue ascending in the evolutionary spiraling scale.

Humanity, of which we are part of, needs you.  There are innumerable ways of helping others, of serving the One we really are.  You who are awaken, you who are alert, be the voice of God here / now in this planet Earth.  You are the means by which the Supreme Creator loves His/Her creation.  What you do here / now, your thoughts, feelings, and emotions have much more importance than what you think.  They are what determine your future and that of the Human race of which we are a part.  Even each one of your acts has universal repercussions.

The catastrophe occurred in eleven Asian countries affects us all equally warning us to pass individually and collectively from the state of dual consciousness to the one of unity.  There are millions of fearful, suffering and anguished persons who need to receive a message of love and consolation in these moments.  Let’s make arrive telepathically, employing the universal language of Light, a message of love and consolation to those who are fearful, anguished and suffering.

El 11:11 is a universal code, utilized even to gather messages in the cellular phones.  It is the master codification that opens the individual and collective subconsciousness activating memories kept in the existential memory bank and connecting us with our essential spiritual nature.  The quartz crystals, same as some resins and minerals, have the virtue of attracting to them positive and negative vibrations and harmonizing us energetically.  To be in harmony with all the elements of nature we can obtain of them all their forces and vibrations since they are linked to the etheric plane.  They are highly effective when are conducive to achieve states of harmony and sensibility that neutralize the emotional states that obstruct our transcendental processes.

We can do much utilizing Light, crystals of quartz, sounds and sacred geometrical patterns.  The telepathic faculties of humanity have been incremented.  Let’s gather ourselves in the service of ONE.  We invite you to unite our crystalline Lights in a single UNITY.  Fulfill your part, with your function within the Perfect Plan of Evolution.

 The clarion call sounded! The moment is arrived!  Convert yourself here / now into a messenger dove.  Spread the call of Life everywhere! Starting on the date you receive this communiqué, during the 21 following days, at the 11:00 hour in the morning and the 11:00 at night of the country, state or city where you are, send telepathically to the suffering humanity, through your most potent crystal of transparent quartz, the message that many wait, for without knowing it they wait for it.

Telepathic message to send:

Stopyour agitation!  Halt!  Come down!  Rest!  You dream without reason!  You believe as real your infantile nightmares.  Come down!  Relax yourself!  Rest in the loving arms of God/Father/Mother.  What you believe as reality is a mere fantasy.  Do not be afraid.  Rest for the correct vision to return to you. Calm down!  Come down! Rise your consciousness!  You are saved! Rest in the loving arms of God/Father/Mother.  You continue being Light, you continue being love eternally.  Rest in your eternal divine sanctity.  There is no such thing as so called death.  Being children of God we are eternal.  You are life!  You are Light!  You are the victory of love in this world!  Now is the moment!   Walk by the Light, with the Light, towards the Light!

Instructions to send a telepathic message through a transparent quartz crystal of a single tip:

Relax as you are accustomed.
Enter consciously in yourself through breathing.
Take your quartz crystal with the dexterous hand and take it to the space between your eyebrows.
Open the eyes and mentally formulate your message.  Take care that your words be always the same.  You can read it loud if you prefer.   Repeat it nine (9) times.
When you have finished remove your crystal from your forehead.

The message arrive to those who wait for it while they sleep, pray or meditate.

Note: The transparent quartz crystal you employ to send telepathic messages must be perfectly clean.  It is very important to wash it and purify it to eliminate any type of negativity that may have acquired.  It is sustained with both hands and you breathe deeply.  Breathing is retained and exhaled fast over the crystal visualizing and feeling that it is being cleaned.  The procedure is repeated several times.  If you prefer you can place it in sea water or in a solution of water with sea salt, during 24 hours or bury it in mud or in sea salt from 3 to 7 days.  Then pass the crystal through the smoke of a bunch of salvia (Aloe Vera) mixed with similar herbs.  Program it saying 33 times:  "You are my transmitter crystal.  Fulfill your function".  Keep it in an container with sea salt or a wooden box or a carton after using it.

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